Virtek 3D-WARE Tutorial

Seeing that the BRR webpage has found an intended public (Toiletduck64 on Youtube),
and the commandline "Racing -rec" option has been used (by Toiletduck64) to
access a Big Red Racing level I hadn't discovered (City3), I have started looking
into the game and the game engine once again.

The track is viewable here on Youtube. It had been videoed first by
UA-Oliver, and better access had been provided by Toiletduck64.

There is nothing new (apart from City3) a-propos of BRR. The game can be edited but
it's a slow process and not very convenient. Let it be (at least for now!)
One of the videos on YT is an IPX session on Dosbox in 2015. So people are still playing BRR!

Notes 2019: Game-Engine graphics
The game engine was used for Robocop 3 by Ocean (1992)
Check-out the graphics of the game:
Here and there. The graphics are pretty similar to the demo stuff on 3D-ware.
Also check-out F29 Retaliator (1989) and TFX (1993). The first link is a great vid about the game engine.
Tank Commander (1994) only has 2 video-reviews on Youtube. Not a big hit then.
While we won't achieve the details and graphics of Big Red Racing due to 3D-Ware being version 1 (and limited),
we might achieve something in between Robocop 3 and BRR.

Virtek 3D-WARE

I had always liked the physics in Big Red Racing. The car movement and the camera,
as well as the sense of open 3D (à la GTA if you may), where you could either race
following the track or go exploring off-course.

Programming for Dos might not be relevant today, but as the 3D-WARE library is linked to C,
you might learn a bit on the way. You also learn how 3D objects interact. Also as you can
use DXF files from Autodesk or Sketchup, you could use your shapes in other 3D libraries.
I am thinking OpenGL for example (more up to date to today's technology). With Dosbox it's
so easy to play old "golden age of video games" games.

Virtek 3D-Ware is virtually impossible to find these days on the Internet.
Also note the Version 2 is NOT findable. If an old BRR/3D-Ware tech/designer reads this,
we need you! The only trace of v2 is a graphic demo.

Where to find v1:

pc-format-cd19, contents here.8 Files.
pc-review-coverdisc_1995-11, contents here. 7 files and (?)
You can find a copy on Virtual Reality Madness 1996 (R. Wodaski) here(discs only), contents here.
3D-Ware.V2 is only a graphic demo.

Coming soon:

-3D-Ware library (.h)
-3D shapes (.SH, .DXF. 3DC.exe)
-World files (.WLD)
-Explore.c and Show3D.c, functions